January 2021 Newsletter

2021 School Year Starting Soon

In a typical year, the Zambian school year begins in January. However, due to the ongoing impact of Covid-19 on the country of Zambia, the President of Zambia has postponed the opening of schools to February 1 to allow for all schools to put in place Covid-19 prevention measures before the academic year commences.

Because of this decision, our schools in Zambia will begin their new year on February 1. For the 2021 school year, Lord willing, we will add a new kindergarten class at our South primary school, making this location (with the secondary school) kindergarten through the 10th grade. Our North campus will remain kindergarten through the 6th grade in 2021.

Prayer Requests

  • Please continue to pray for the faculty and staff of BCA as the teach and minister to our students.
  • As the Coronavirus continues to impact the country of Zambia, pray that God would protect our BCA staff, children, and their families.
  • Pray for the hope of the Gospel to continue to go forth (through our schools and church planting partners) and for the salvation of BCA students and their families.
  • Pray for God’s continued provision in funding the necessary building infrastructure that is needed to keep up with our growing schools.

Thank You for Your Support in 2020!

During such a difficult year for so many, your continued generosity made it possible for us to carry out our mission of sharing the hope of Jesus Christ with orphans and impoverished children through Gospel-centered Christian education. If you gave to BCA in 2020, a contribution statement will be mailed to you in January.

Construction Continues on New Lab Building

Work continues on a new science lab building for our secondary school in Zambia! We hope this building will be completed by the spring. For more information, please visit: bcaministries.com/building.

Sponsoring a Child Creates Life-changing Opportunities

Meet Edah. She is starting the 9th grade this year at our secondary school in Zambia. Even though she faces difficult challenges in life, as a BCA student she is receiving a Gospel-centered Christian education, nutritious meals, and the hope of the gospel. Hear her share about BCA in this short video:

To sponsor a child like Edah, please visit: http://bcaministries.com/sponsor